InnoCampus Startup Accelerator Program

Ege University, İzmir. 27 June–31 July 2015

Program Outputs


Participants Selected

out of many who applied.



formed. Teams worked on their ideas during the program.


Hours of training

Participants received 65 hours of trainings.



gave useful training to participants volunteerly.

15 Female Students

We aim to encourage and raise the involvement of young women in fields of technology and entrepreneurship

26 Different

We benefited from the diversity of students to strengthen the interdisciplinary work and increase the creativity of the participants.

4 Prototypes Made

4 teams produced their prototypes and presented at the end of the program.


  • Collective Leadership
    Behice Ertenü (Boğaziçi University)
  • Startup Roadmap
    Emre Özbek (Kovvan)
  • Lean Canvas
    Taylan Demirkaya (Embriyonix/İzmir Economy University)
  • Starting a New Startup
    Mehmet Onarcan (Mentors Network Turkey)
  • Can 5 entrepreneurs change the world?
    Mustafa Osman Turan (Ministry of Foreign Affairs/InnoCampus)
  • Creativity and Game
    Tuğba Canşalı (Sosyal Dokuma),
    Barış Özcan (Sosyal Dokuma)
  • New Product Development
    Can Özcan (İzmir Economy University)
  • Design Thinking
    Rajan Patel (ATÖLYE İstanbul),
    Dani Benreytan (Insparkus)
  • Marketing Strategies
    Mehmet Onarcan (Mentors Network Turkey),
    Esra Günel (Digital Marketing Consultant)
  • Financial Modelling and Startup Funding
    Caner Sandıkçı (Fora Finance Consultancy)
  • Business Plan
    Caner Sandıkçı
  • Strategic Planning
    Behice Ertenü (Boğaziçi University)
  • Art of Story Telling
    Melek Pulatkonak (TurkishWIN)
  • Government and EU Funds
    Levent Eribol (İhale Software and Publishing)

Sessions and Panels

  • Being An Entrepreneur In A Civil Servant Soceity
    Erhan Erkut (MEF University)
  • Future Trends Panel
    Enis Yazırlıoğlu (Turkcell),
    Erdoğan Çeşmeli (GE)
  • Maker Movement Panel
    Ongun Tan (Makers Türkiye),
    Kuntay Aktaş (BTech Innovation),
    Murat Eğri (BTech Innovation),
    Engin Ayaz (Atölye İstanbul)
  • Social Innovation Panel/span>
    Bedriye Hülya (b-fit),
    Serra Titiz (,
    Tülin Akın (Tarımsal Pazarlama),
    Celal Karadoğan (Genç Engelliler Gençlik ve Spor Kulübü)
  • Talk with an Embedded System Engineer
    Ufuk Sevim (Borda Enerji)

Applied Trainings

  • Laser Cutting Training
    Stinj De Mil (FabLab Brussels)
  • 3D Printer Trainings
    Stinj De Mil (FabLab Brussels)
  • Arduino Trainings
    Stinj De Mil (FabLab Brussels)