InnoCampus Startup Accelerator Program

Çukurova University, Adana. 16 July – 5 August 2015


Program Outputs

At our first stop, Adana Çukurova University, we met with students for the first time. Despite being the first program, there was a great interest in InnoCampus. During our 6-week pre-incubation program, students had the opportunity to work with many instructors and mentors. In addition, FabLab workshops and field trips to companies were arranged. 8 team has developed their business ideas and graduate.


Participants Selected

out of many who applied.



formed. Teams worked on project during program.


Hours of training

Participants received 65 hours of training.



gave useful trainings to participants volunteerly.

12 Female Students

We aim to encourage and raise the involvement of young women in fields of technology and entrepreneurship

Participants 10 Different Departments

We benefited from the diversity of students to strengthen the interdisciplinary work and increase the creativity of the participants.

5 Prototypes Made

5 teams produced their prototypes and presented at the end of the program.


  • Mutual Leadership Workshop
    Behice Ertenü (Boğaziçi University)
  • Design Oriented Thinking Workshop
    Kerem Alper (Atölye İstanbul),
    Dani Benreytan (Insparkus)
  • Plain Enterpreneurship Canvas Workshop
    Burak Yaman (Koç University Incubation Center)
  • “Starting a Start-Up” Workshop
    Emre Özbek (İstanbul Startup Angels),
    Mehmet Onarcan (Project House)
  • Start-Up Road Map Workshop
    Emre Özbek (İstanbul Startup Angels)
  • Creativity and Gaming Workshop
    Tuğba Çanşalı (Sosyal Dokuma),
    Ayşe Nur Özcan (Sosyal Dokuma)
  • Presenting Your Idea Workshop
    Mehmet Onarcan (Project House),
    Fatih Akşener (Türk Telekom)
  • Digital Enterpreneurship Workshop
    Yasin Çelik (Improvement Office Consulting)
  • Marketing Strategies Workshop
    Mehmet Onarcan (Project House),
    Esra Günel (Dijital Pazarlama Danışmanı)
  • Finance Workshop for Enterpreneurs
    Caner Sandıkçı (
  • Establishing a Work Plan for Entrepreneurs
    Caner Sandıkçı (
  • Strategic Planning Workshop
    Behice Ertenü (Boğaziçi University)
  • Benefits of Trial and Error Workshop
    Behice Ertenü(Boğaziçi University)
  • Art of Storytelling Workshop
    Ayşe Nur Özcan (InnoCampus),
    Memet Ünsal (InnoCampus)
  • State and EU funds
    Levent Eribol (İhale Yazılım ve Yayıncılık)
  • Establishing a Work Plan Workshop
    Caner Sandıkçı (
  • Project Management Workshop
    Memet Ünsal (InnoCampus)
  • Presentation Skills Workshop
    Memet Ünsal (InnoCampus)

Sessions and Panels

  • To be an Entrepreneur in a civil servant populated town??
    Erhan Erkut (MEF Üniversitesi)
  • Future Trends Panel
    Enis Yazırlıoğlu (Turkcell),
    Erdoğan Çeşmeli(GE)
  • Maker Movement Panel
    Ongun Tan (Makers Türkiye),
    Kuntay Aktaş (BTech Innovation),
    Murat Eğri (BTech Innovation),
    Engin Ayaz (Atölye İstanbul)
  • The Art of Turning Losing Into Winning
    Engin Ayaz(Atölye İstanbul),
    Emre Severoğlu(InnoMate)
  • Social Innovation Panel
    Bedriye Hülya (b-fit),
    Serra Titiz (,
    Tülin Akın (Tarımsal Pazarlama),
    Celal Karadoğan (Genç Engelliler Gençlik ve Spor Kulübü)
  • Talk with an Embedded System Engineer
    Ufuk Sevim (Borda Enerji)
  • Economics
    Ferhan Salman (IMF)

Applied Trainings and Trip

  • Laser Cutting Training
    Stinj De Mil (FabLab Brussels)
  • 3D Printer Trainings
    Stinj De Mil (FabLab Brussels)
  • Arduino Trainings
    Stinj De Mil (FabLab Brussels)
  • Zahit Alüminyum and Solarfield Trip